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Session Details


I get in your akashic record with a prayer that has a special energy key to open your record.  My prayer is an original given by divine.
Then I will answer your questions. It is like I google into Akahisc google record to find answers.   If no question is asked, no answer is given because I am not authorized to have any influence on your life with my judgement during the session.  I am just a channel, a medium and a vehicle working for universe.

Sometimes "Higher" ask me to heal you during the session if there are blockages that need to be fixed in your energy.


It will be via Skype or phone.




1hr consultation : $95.   (PayPal, Venmo, Credit Card.)
The payment needs to be made before the session.



  • Please have all questions ready before you call.  (I do not need to see the list before session.)  No follow up questions are answered by e-mails even if you forget to ask one.  


  • Once the record is closed, I will not open it again until next session which is at least a month later.   Usually, less than one month is not enough time to shift the record energy.  Therefore, you get same answer to the same question.

  • Please do not drink alcohols or use recreational drugs 24 hours before the consultation.

  • Please call me from quiet and comfortable place.

  • I will send my phone number or Skype meeting link (work like zoom with Skype App without ID) when your appointment is confirmed.   Appointment time is in LA time.

  • Please drink lots of water after the session.

  • Have a wonderful session!!

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